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Home Inspection Marketing Services

Marketing the Maintenance Check-Up Service

As a home inspector, part of your business plan should focus on heightening professionalism and the respect level of our profession. This is best achieved through education and information. Educating the general public that inspectors are the individuals to consult with questions about their homes is necessary.

Since most of us are not on TV or radio shows the exposure that we have to the general public is through each home buyer that we come in contact with. These home buyers are going to have needs throughout the life of their home ownership. Long after the inspection, questions arise about maintenance, repairs and care that home inspectors are more than qualified to answer. Your inspection clients could use your knowledge and help while living in their homes.


Buy Online or call 1-888-323-9235
To Order.
For more information about
our Maintenance Check-Up Report
click here.

Statistics tell us that the average person buys a home once every 7 years. Therefore we need to create another way to keep these clients as customers in those 6 years between each inspection. An excellent way to remain in front of your client and to continue to build on your business relationship with them is to offer the Maintenance Check-up! Once a year you return to their home and do a check-up of the major areas of the home and advise your clients of areas of concern and teach them how to better care for their home.

The Maintenance “Check-up” that you perform every year keeps you on your client’s team, helps them maintain the value of the home and generates annual revenues not dependant on real estate sales or Real Estate Agents. The fee for the maintenance check-up can vary depending on size of property and amenities, but we think the time spent consulting with your clients will be much less than the original inspection. Another Part of the service agreement could be to assist with any questions or concerns that come up for home owners throughout that year. For instance, a home owner has problems with their plumbing system, he or she calls their faithful home inspector to come out and offer a suggestion first before contacting a plumber since the home inspector is familiar with that particular home and has general working knowledge of all systems. That service is something that most homeowners might not think about without this service agreement. Now we not only have the annual service fees, but the potential for consulting fees for special visits during the year. Most home inspectors rarely have any contact with their clients after the inspection and are always chasing new business. Successful businesses capitalize on solid relationships and repeat business. Repeat business is always the most profitable!

Buy Online or call 1-888-323-9235 To Order.

For more information about our Maintenance Check-Up Report Forms click here.

The process of creating your image can frustrating, but with ITA you are one step ahead. We know the inspection industry and have helped thousands to succeed in it. Pricing does not include printing, applicable tax, or shipping costs.


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