<% @Language = VBSCRIPT %> <% Dim objMail, mailNotifier mailNotifier = "" If Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH") > 0 Then Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.To = "ita@home-inspect.com" objMail.From = Trim(Request.Form("Email")) objMail.Subject = "An info pack has been requested" Dim bodyString bodyString = "

" If Request.Form("Name") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Name: " & Trim(Request.Form("Name")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("CompanyName") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Company Name: " & Trim(Request.Form("CompanyName")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Address") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Address: " & Trim(Request.Form("Address")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("City") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "City: " & Trim(Request.Form("City")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("State") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "State: " & Trim(Request.Form("State")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("ZipCode") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Zip Code: " & Trim(Request.Form("ZipCode")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Phone") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Phone: " & Trim(Request.Form("Phone")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Email") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Email: " & Trim(Request.Form("Email")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In") = "Two Week Course" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In 2") = "Fast Track Course" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In 2")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In 3") = "Correspondence Course" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In 3")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In 4") = "Specialty Course" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In 4")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In 5") = "Forms 14" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In 5")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In 6") = "Forms 11" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In 6")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In 7") = "Software" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In 7")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("Interested In 8") = "All" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Interested In: " & Trim(Request.Form("Interested In 8")) & "
" End If If Request.Form("HeardAbout") > "" Then bodyString = bodyString & "Heard About Us From: " & Trim(Request.Form("HeardAbout")) End If If Request.Form("HeardAbout") = "Other" Then bodyString = bodyString & " - " & Request.Form("Other") End If If Request.Form("Newsletter") = "GetNews" Then bodyString = bodyString & "
Receive monthly newsletter - yes" Else bodyString = bodyString & "
Receive monthly newsletter - no" End If bodyString = bodyString & "

" objMail.Body = bodyString objMail.BodyFormat = 0 objMail.MailFormat = 0 objMail.Send Set objMail = Nothing mailNotifier = "Sent" End If %> Inspection Training Associates - Home Inspection Education from the Leader in Home Inspection Training
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Inspection Training Associates

1016 South Tremont Street - Oceanside, CA 92054-5051
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